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Year: 2017



ISBN: 9788175418684(HB)

Price: $50

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ISBN: 9788175418691(PB)

Price: $10

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About the Book

It begins with the Greeks, who are known for their liberal education. Then, it reviews practical education of the Romans, spiritual education of the Christians, humanism of the renaissance and the naturalistic tendencies of the eighteenth century, which antiquated in the twentieth century. Eclectic tendencies are the hallmark of the modern times. One common feature of the Indian thinkers is the emphasis on holistic education, with emphasis on spiritual aspect of it. Leading ideas have been presented and evaluated for their relevance. The lucid style with summary enhances the worth of the book for students of education and the common readers. 

About Author

Professor A.S. Thakur, a teacher, researcher and administrator, was the Dean of Education in the University of Maiduguri, Nigeria.  He has to his credit more than 30 books on education. He also guided research scholars. Prof. Thakur has been actively involved in steering private colleges of education in Himachal Pradesh. 


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