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Year: 2017



ISBN: 9789386262066(HB)

Price: $28

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ISBN: 9789386262059(PB)

Price: $8

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About the Book

“Educational psychology is the science of education; it helps the teacher to understand the development of his pupil, range and limits of their capacities, the processes by which they learn their social responsibilities.”   E. A. Peel

This book focuses on the basic understanding of various aspects of Education and Psychology and these aspects are—

  • Understanding  Learning,
  • Determinants and Process of Learning,
  • Language Learning,
  • Guidance & Counselling, and
  • Inclusive Education.

It makes content relevant, precise, sufficient and orderly mannered. The language used is easy, simple and understandable. Each unit contain relevant content with proper heading and subheadings, it also incorporate concerned figures and educational implications of all the topics.

The book may be useful for students of Education, Pre-service and In-service teachers and the trainers.

About Author

Dr.B.K.Pal(Ph.D.’s in Psychology and in Education) started his career from NCERT and is presently working with SCERT, New Delhi as a Senior Lecturer (IFIIC). He has been providing his input to the field of Teacher Education, Educational Psychology and Research in Education and Psychology since 1998.

Dr. Pal is fully conversant and experienced in Educational Psychology, Child Development, Psychological Perspectives of Education, Process of Children Learning, Psychological Assessment, Measurement & Evaluation, Educational Vocational Guidance & Counselling, Education of Children with Special Needs and Teacher Education. He has also got published a number of articles and research papers in various journals. He has to his credit number of books in Psychology and Education.

Neera Sadh, having more than ten years of teaching experience in the field of Teacher Education, is presently working as Lecturer with a Delhi Administration institute of Education. She has to her credit articles, research papers published in various referred Journals at National level on various issues of Education and Pedagogy.




1.  Understanding Learning 

1.0  Definitions 

1.1  Nature of Learning 

1.2  The Process of Learning 

1.3  Importance of Learning 

1.4  Principle (Laws) of Learning 

1.5  Subordinate/Secondary Laws of Learning 

1.6  Trial and Error Theory of Learning

1.7  Classical Conditioning

1.8  Operant Conditioning

1.9  Insight Theory of Learning or Gestalt Theory of Learning

1.10  Concepts and Nature of Intelligence

1.11  Convergent Thinking

1.12  Divergent Thinking

1.13  Multiple Intelligence

2.  Determinants and Process of Learning

2.0  Need

2.1  Types of Need

2.2  Interest

2.3  Attitude

2.4  Motivation

2.5  Memory

2.6  Forgetting

2.7  Transfer of Learning

3.  Language Learning

3.0  Language

3.1  Language Acquisition

3.2  Language Learning

3.3  Language Development: Concept and Stages

3.4  Functions of Language in Real Life and Inside the


3.5  Learning Language and Learning through Language

3.6  Teacher’s Influence on Child’s Language Development

4.  Guidance and Counselling

4.1  Meaning of Guidance

4.2  Nature of Guidance

4.3  Basic Assumption of Guidance

4.4  Functions of Guidance

4.5  Need of Guidance

4.6  Areas of Guidance: Educational, Vocational, Personal and Social

4.7  Individual and Group Guidance Techniques

4.8  Counselling

4.9  Characteristics of Counselling

4.10  Difference between Guidance and Counselling

4.11  Techniques of Counselling

4.12  Maintenance of Student’s Records

4.13  Cumulative Record

4.14  Anecdotal Record

4.15  Aggression

4.16  Bullying

4.17  Substance Abuse

4.18  Delinquency

4.19  Truancy

4.20  Guidance Services in School

4.21  Role of Counsellor in Establishing Guidance Services

5.  Inclusive Education

5.0  History of Special Schools

5.1  Concept of Special Education

5.2  Inclusive Education

5.3  Principles of Inclusive Education

5.4  Gifted Children

5.5  Left Handers

5.6  Slow Learners

5.7  First Generation Learners

5.8  Under Achievers

5.9  Creativity and Its Development

5.10  Children with Disability

5.11  Impact of Impairment on Children’s Development

              5.12  Prejudice and Discrimination against Learner with Special Needs

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