R.K. Tiwari was formerly Professor of Public Administration at the Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi. He had also served - as a Senior Consultant at the Centre for Public Policy and Governance, Institute of Applied Manpower Research, Delhi. His publications include: Rural Employment Programmes in India: The Implementation Process, 1990 and Co-edited -Landmarks in Indian Administration, 2007; Democracy and Public Administration, 2006; Economic Reforms in India : Pro - Poor Dimensions, 2006; Issues and Themes in Indian Administration, 2005; Jawaharlal Nehru and Public Administration, 2004; Democracy Governance & Globalization, 2004; Pursuit of Institutional Excellence 2004; Restructuring Government, 1998; Indian Administration: The Changing Scenario, 1995; and Managing Poverty Alleviation: Insights From The Field, all published by IIPA, New Delhi, 1988.