The author has discussed and analysed complex problems faced by the United Progressive Alliance government at the Centre. Sonia Gandhi-led Congress party has not only managed a coalition government at the Centre, it has also been engaged in tackling complex domestic and foreign policy issues while in government. It is an analytical-cum-evaluative study of UPA-in-Government around the issues of party politics, centre-state relations, domestic and foreign policies.
Professor C. P. Bhambhri currently 'Distiguished Scholar' of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, has been Professor and Dean of the School of Social Sciences. He also has been a Visiting Professor to McGill University, Canada and Dar-Es-Salaam University, Tanzania. He is a prolific writer who has published in international and national academic professional Journals and has also intervened through newspapers articles.
1. Introduction
2.Sonias Congress and Manmohans UPA Government Sonia: Miles to Go; Whither sonia congress; Sonia must intervene; Manmohans Active Voice; A Prescription for the Doctor; Do We Have a Prime Minister? Officially the Weakest? Congress Search for Direction; Politics of Continuity; In The DNA of UPA; Make India A Strong and Egalitarian Nation; The Relevance of Indira Gandhi; Party of Gate-Crashers; More and More of the Same; Need to practice secularism in letter and spirit; Discordant Orchestra; Congress on tight red leash
3.Supporting Parties, Left and Politics Party of Poopers: Political Adventurists; Towards An Alternative; Chasing A Chimera? Coalition and Confusion; Point of Departure; Politics of Tired Front; Hammer and Tongs: Left Means Business; Red Sunrise, Saffron Sunset; Squabbling Secularists; An Inherently Weak Coalition ; Friends at the Centre, Foes in the States: ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS; Caution: Left Hand Drive; A Meaningful Verdict
4.Bharatiya Janata Party, Hindutva and Allied Parties What Is The BJPs Political Future? Keep Religion Private; Priests and Politics; Hindutva vs. Secularism; NDAs Same-Side Goal; Why the Parivar Hates Nehru; Historically False Definition; The BJP is Hardly Eligible for the Moral High Ground; Riots and Wrongs; Secularise State Apparatus; RSS is the Only Reality; Whither BJP]
5.Caste Politics and Reservation Reservation and Casteism; Limits of Caste Politics; Left and Caste Politics; UPs Caste Cauldron is Boiling; Whither Caste Politics; Not Minorityism but Just Enrichment; The Divide and Rule Game Goes On
6.Political Parties and Issues before the Nation Explosive and Burning; Callousness towards Naxalism; Restructuring Bureaucracy; Revolution and Crime: Agrarian Discontent; Elections, Parties and Democracy; Is The EC Always Right? Party Behaviour and Misbehaviour; Independents Day: Show Them The Door; Seven Sisters Parliament; Federalism at Crossroads; Federation and Coalition; Ties of Convenience; The Tug of War in Bihar; A Judgement Misunderstood; Politics Alone Can Tackle Naxalism; An Uncaring Society; Towards Soap-Box Politics; Democracy Disgraced; Banish Illiteracy; Governance and Accountability; Into and Already Stuck; Secularism: Zig Zag Process; The National as Local
7.The Foreign Policy of India and US192 Kerry, by George: Vote for Civilised World; Tread with Caution in Bushland; Outsiders are Meddling; Enter, 'King George-II; Scaling Down the Summit; Rice Menu not Nice for India; Between the Lines: Journey for Peace; Six Tete-A-Tetes or A Dialogue of Seven? For Love of Uncle Sam; Bandung to Jakarta; Americas Kiss of Death; Symbols of National Power; The US is Best Avoided; Age of Silent Consensus; Nuclear India Immobilised; Iraq, America and Natwar; Probe Ram Naiks "Business" Delegation Too; Letting America Call the Shots; A Nation Divided on Foreign Policy; A Surrender of Sovereignty; Bush has 'Left us in a Tizzy; Imperialist Truths ; India and the United States; Mortgaging Indias Sovereignty; India-US Strategic Relations
8.India, Pakistan and Kashmir Engage Pakistan Seriously; Take Musharraf Seriousl; Shedding Kashmir Fixation; Valley of Contradictions Index