216 pp
The book covers major issues of 2001 to 2004, like contest of political parties, personalities, ideologies and politics. The narrative deals with the NDA (The National Democratic Alliance) and the UPA (United Progressive Alliance). The Lok Sabha elections of 2004 have been described in a focused manner to convey a message that Hindutva is down but not out of the reckoning. The book may be of interest to all interested in the Indian polity.
Professor C. P. Bhambhri currently 'Distiguished Scholar' of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, has been Professor and Dean of the School of Social Sciences. He also has been a Visiting Professor to McGill University, Canada and Dar-Es-Salaam University, Tanzania. He is a prolific writer who has published in international and national academic professional Journals and has also intervened through newspapers articles.
Introduction Parties and Politics Hindutva-BJP/l6 - communalisation of the State Apparatus/16; Defender ofDemocracy/18; Hindu Joint Family/20; Signals from Gujarat/22; Is Hinduism Facing a Crisis?/24; Gathering Storm/ 26;Congress-29; Congress Democracy?/29; Goodbye Consensus, Hello Conflict: BJP verses Congress/31; Foreign Policy/34; Handle US with Care/34; Look Back, Bush/37; Foreign Policy/40; Politics ofGroups!42; When Government Betrays Trust 42; Socialism has met with an Inglorious End/44 NDA in Government BJP/47-Violent Society/47; Quest for Stability/49; Open theatre/ 52; Perils of Media Politics/54; Sangh Parivar in Government/56; Beginning of the End ofHindutva/59; Politics ofCorruption/60; Freeze Ayodhya, Now and Forever/62; NDA's hara-kiri/65; The Politics of Social Change/66; Cry, the Beloved Democracy/69; Football Politics/72; Congress/74-Challenged Congress/74; Challenges 2003/76; Clash of the Political Titans!79; Bottlenecks in Coalitions/81 ; Funding Democracy /83; up's War of All Against AIV84; States Conundrum/87; Are We Ready for Judge Dread?/ 89; ShadesofViolence/92; History's Use and Abuse/94; Congress versus Congress/95; A Lawless Culturel98; Assam: No Smoke Without Firell 00; Foreign Policy/l02-American Hegemony/1 02; Two can Play in Unipolar World/I 05; Value as Commodity/l 08; Towards a Multipolar World?/11 0; Can SAARC beat the Zeaots?/ 113; No Role Model/116; Who's Betting on Uncle Sam?/118; Terrorism or Iraqi Nationalism?/121; NAM and the New World Order/124; War for Profits/127; Prisoners of History/128; Imperatives of Harmony/13l; Selling Secrets/133; Beware of America/135; Socialists/B8; Backward Caste Socialist?/138 Pre-Election Politics Queenly Contestant/141; Parivar versus Dynasty/143; Frag-mented Politicsll46; Media and Vajpayee/148; Elusive Principles/152; Employees and Elections /153; Election Eve Concessions/ 154; Against the Windl155; Multi-faceted Regional Barons/l58; Covering up Failures/159; The Muslim Question/161; Veil of Coalitionsll62; Perils of Media Politicsl165 Elections 2004: Voters Verdict and Governance Election Calculus/I 68; Nobody Needs Pollsters/170; The Myth of Regional Politicsll72; Redefining India/173; Open Question?/ 176; Multi-faceted Voter/178; Competing Ideologies/180; Accept Sonia?/183; Politics ofContradictions/184; Miles to Go/I 86; Left will not Wreck/188; Pulls and Pressures in UP A/190; Oppose the Occupiersl192; Atal Versus Sangh - Is It True?/194; United Progressive AIIiance?/196; Sonia's Upward Joumey/199; Mid-course Correction/20 1; The Right Step/203; Issue of Nationalism/ 205; Collapse of National Politics/208; Firm Yet FraiI/209 Index