The Manmohan Singh-led Coalition government at the Centre from 2009 to 2014 has been clinically analysed by focusing attention on its domestic and foreign policies. The yardstick of performance and non-performance of a Government-in-power has been applied here and such a stock taking is undertaken in this study.
C P Bhambhri, currently 'Distiguished Scholar' of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, has been Professor and Dean of the School of Social Sciences. He also has been a Visiting Professor to McGill University, Canada and Dar-Es-Salaam University, Tanzania. Prof. Bhambhri is a prolific writer who has published in international and national academic professional Journals and has also intervened through newspapers articles. He has to his credit more than 30 books.
Preface ; Introduction; Coalition Politics; Congress Coalition and Government Congress Party; Politics State; Politics and Elections Caste; Politics Regionalists; Coalition and Governance Issues; Corruption and Coalition; Anna Hazare’s Movement; Aam Aadmi Party; Foreign Policy and UPA-II; BJP in Opposition; Elections 2014 and Modi in Government; Index