228p 4th REV. ED. , Ist Published in 2000
Education is fundamental to our all round development, material and spiritual. There are moments in history when a new direction has to be given to it. That moment is today. Accordingly, the book provides an analytical view of the efforts made in India and abroad to revitalise education so as to meet the challenges of 21st century. The deficiencies have been pointed out and prag-matic remedies are discussed. Recommendations made by the International Commission on Education for the 21st Century, Views of Eminent Indian Educationists, Critique of NCERT National Curriculum Framework, Teacher’s Education, Multiple Dimensions of Curriculum and Evaluation, Comparative Global Educational Policies and comprehensive Bibliography of National level committee and commissions are the salient features of the book. Emphasis has been laid to pay special attention to the determination of our educational priorities on the basis of actual availability of our resources and also class room needs.
J C Aggarwal, a former Deputy Director of Education and Executive Director of the Delhi Bureau of Textbooks. Delhi Administration has written extensively on Education. History and contemporary Affairs. Before joining Delhi Administration, he taught in a Post graduate Teachers Training College. His recent publications are Landmarks in the History of Modern Indian Education; Theory and Principles of Education; Essential of Educational Technology; Teaching of Commerce; A Practical Approach; Education Policy in India; Major Recommendations of the 1999 International Commission on Education for the 21st Century, and their implications; Education in India since 1991; Significant Documents; Development of Education in India Select Documents 1991; Significant Documents; Development of Education in India; Select Documents 1993-94; Educational Administration, Management and Supervision and Bharat Mei Nari Shiksha.
Curriculum Defined.International Commission for the Twenty-first Century Teachers for the Twenty First Century. Comparative Curriculum Scenario. A brief History of Educational Reconstruction in India. Educational Reforms for the Twenty-first Century.Curriculum Reviews and Implementation in India. Salient Features of the National Curriculum Framework for School Education.A Critique of the NCERT Curriculum Framework. CBSE Curriculum and NCERT Framework