The book provides deep and penetrating analysis of socio-economic concerns in emerging India and the role of education in suitably meeting the challenges. All the emerging concerns are discussed in their constitutional, philosophical, sociological and global perspectives. Three chapters are devoted to the Futurology, future educational scenario and the role of the educational institutions etc. Role of education in secularism, socialism, democracy and national integration is highlighted thoroughly. The book may prove useful to students of education and teachers.
J.C. Aggarwal is a former Deputy Director of Education and Executive Director of the Delhi Bureau of Textbooks, Delhi Administration, Delhi. He worked at the grassroots level as a Post-graduate teacher. Principal, plan evaluation officer and educational supervisor and administrator. He has also taught in a Post-graduate Teacher Training College. He is widely travelled and has written extensively on education and contemporary issues.
1. Philosophical Analysis of Basic Concept of Education
2. Education; Teaching; Instruction; Training and Indoctrination and Allied Terms
3. Types of Education: Formal; Informal and Non-formal Education
4. Philosophy-Knowledge
5. Educational Philosophy
6. Aims of Education; Curriculum; Methods of Teaching; Discipline and Teacher's Role (Influence of Idealism; Naturalism and pragmatism on Different Aspects of Education)
7. Educational Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi: Impact on Education
8. Educational Thoughts of Rabindranath Tagore: Impact on Education
9. Educational Thoughts of Swami Vivekananda: Impact on Indian Education
10. Aims of Education in Contemporary Indian Society: Education for Values
11. Education for Modernisation
12. Education for Vocationalisation
13. Education for Health: Physical; Mental and Emotional
14. Democratic Outlook
15. Agencies of Education: Formal Agencies- School and State
16. Informal Agencies of Education (Home; Community; Peer Groups; Mass Media)
17. Home School Partnership: School- Community Collaboration
18. Structure of Indian Society: Class; Caste; Religion; Ethnicity and Language; Etc.
19. Concerns of Indian Society: Democracy
20. Social Justice and Equality
21. Human Rights
22. Secularism; Gender Equality and Social Cohesion
23. National Integration
24. Population Explosion
25. Environmental Degradation
26. Globalisation and Privatisation
27. Education and Social Change
28. Education and National Development
29. Role of Education in Economic Development
30. Futurology: Education in Future
31. Future Education in India
32. Future Teachers; Methods and Discipline
Appendix: Major Policy Making Educational Organisations (CABE; NCERT; NCTE; NUEPA; AICTE; UGC; SCERT)