The present book ‘Measurement, Evaluation and Assessment of Learning’ is a comprehensive work. The focus is on making educational and mental measurement more valid and reliable and using the evidences for improving pupils' achievements, instructional effectiveness and validation of the teaching-learning process.
The book would enable the pupil teachers and other clientele to understand the concept, principles, processes and tools of evaluation and develop skills in constructing criterion referenced tests, achievements tests, etc. to collect valid and reliable data.
On account of its practical approach, the book may be useful for in-service teachers, teacher educators, student teachers, educational administrators and planners.
Dr. Rainu Gupta Professor, Sharda University, has devoted more than 30 years of her professional work in the field of statistics, research, measurement and evaluation. Besides teaching; she is actively engaged in guiding M.Phil, Ph.D (Education) students in several projects and thesis. She has authored many books in Education, published papers in reputed educational journals, presented articles and research papers in many conferences and contributed in faculty development programmes.
1. Concept of Evaluation
Meaning of Evaluation; Definition; Characteristics of Evaluation; Objectives/Purposes of Evaluation; Need and Importance of Evaluation; Process of Evaluation
2. Measurement and Assessment Process
Meaning and Definition of Measurement; Errors of Measurement; Essentials of Measurement; Functions of Measurement; Measuring Variables; Methods of Measurement; Tests for Measurement; Problems and Limitations of Measurement
Characteristics of an Effective Comprehensive Assessment; Types of Assessment; Basic Principles of Assessment; Purposes of Assessment; Functions of Assessment; Techniques of Assessment; Classification of Assessment Techniques; Inter relationships between Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation in Education
3. Scales of Measurement
Nominal Scale; Ordinal Scale; The Interval Scale; Ratio Scale
4. Evaluation and Instructional Objectives
Taxonomy of Instructional Objectives; Role of Objectives in Testing
5. Types of Evaluation
Formative Evaluation; Summative Evaluation; Process Evaluation; Product Evaluation; Oral Evaluation; Written Evaluation; Performance Evaluation; Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
6. Tools and Techniques of Evaluation
Testing Techniques
Tools in Testing
Subjective Tools; Objective Tools
Testing Tools
Essay Type Tests; Objective Type Test; Short Answer Type Test; Oral Tests; Diagnostic Test
Non-Testing Tools
Observation; Inquiry Techniques; Projective Techniques; Tests; Introspection/Self-Assessment; Relevance of Tools and Techniques of Learning Outcomes
7. Norm Referenced and Criterion Referenced Test
Norm-Referenced Test; Criterion-Referenced Test; Differences between Norm-Referenced Test and Criterion- Referenced Test; Common Characteristics of NRM and CRM
8. Characteristics of Measuring Instrument
Primary Characteristics; Secondary Characteristics; Reliability; Validity; Objectivity; Usability
Need for Norms; Types of Norms
9. Planning and Preparation of Test
Planning the Test; Preparing the Preliminary Draft; Pilot Study of the Test or Trying Out the Preliminary Draft; Preparing the Final Draft of the Test
10. Writing Test Items
Meaning of Item; Characteristics of an Item; Essay Type Items; Objective Type Items; Interpretive Items;
11. Item Analysis
Meaning of Item Analysis; Purpose or Need of Item Analysis; Methods of Item Analysis; Relation between Difficulty Level and Discrimination Power
of an Item; Factors Influencing the Discrimination Power and Difficulty
Level; Criteria for Item Selection and Rejection; Item Analysis in Criterion Referenced Tests or Mastery Test; Problems of Item Analysis;
12. Achievement Test
13.Measurement of Aptitude
Definition; Characteristics of Aptitude; Types of Aptitude Tests; Uses/Importance of Aptitude; Designing and Developing Aptitude Tests;
14.Measurement of Intelligence
Definitions of Intelligence; Classification of Intelligence; Types of Intelligence Tests; Some Important Tests for Measuring Intelligence; Stanford Binet Intelligence Test; Binet-Simon Scale (1908); Binet-Simon Scale (1911); Jerman’s Standard Binet Scale (1916); Stanford-Binet Scale (1937); Stanford-Binet (1960); Binet Scale (1986); Wechsler Intelligence Scale; Culture-Fair Intelligence Test; Indian Intelligence Test;
15. Measurement of Attitude
Meaning; Definition; Characteristics; Role of Attitude and Interest in Learning; Measurement; Method of Equal Appearing Intervals; Method of Summated Ratings; Method of Cumulative Ratings; Interpretation of Attitude Scores;
16. Measurement of Interests and Skills
Concept and Definition of Interest; Characteristics of Interest; Types of Interest; Techniques of Measuring Interests and Skills; Basic considerations for Assessment of Interest; Interest Inventories and their Interpretations; Measurement of Skills;
17. Question Bank
Need of Question Bank; Development of Question Bank; Functions of question bank; Advantages of question bank;
18. Use of Computers in Evaluation
Computer assisted Delivery of tests; Objective Tests; Structured Questions; Construction of Tests/Question Paper; Recording and Analysis of Results; Final Scores vs. other Information; Electronic Scoring Tools; Security Considerations; Electronic Support as a Tool in the Evaluation Process;
19. Internal Assessment
Need and Importance; Limitations of Internal Assessment; Problems of Internal Assessment; Fundamentals of Internal assessment; Steps in the Development of a Comprehensive School
Evaluation Programme;
20. National Curriculum Framework-2005: Vision of Assessment for Learning
Assessing Learners; Assessment on the Course of Teaching; Curricular Areas that Cannot be ‘Tested for Marks’; Design and Conduct of Assessment; Self-assessment and Feedback; Areas that require Fresh Thinking; Assessment at Different Stages;
21. New Trends in Examination System
Grading System; Semester System; Credit-System; Examination on Demand; Online Examination; Open Book Examination;
22. Teacher as Facilitator
Role of Teacher as Facilitator;
23. Statistical Methods in Measurement
Concept of Statistics; Meaning of Statistics; Statistics in the Sense of Numerical Data; Statistics as a Science; Statistics as an Art; Statistics as a Method of Research; Nature of Statistics; Divisions of Statistics; Statistics on the basis of type of data; Statistics on the basis of function or utility; Importance/Uses of Statistics in Assessment and Evaluation; Terms Used in Statistics; Statistical Method; Population and Sample; Variables and Constraints; Classification; Organisation; Graphic Representation of Data; Diagrammatic Presentation of Data; One-dimensional Diagrams; Two Dimensional Diagrams; Pie Diagrams; Three dimensional-diagrams; Pictographs and Cartographs; Measures of Averages (Central Tendencies); Types of Averages; Arithmetic Mean; Median; Mode; Relationship between Mean, Median and Mode; Measures of Dispersion or Variation; Relation between Various Measures of Dispersion; Measures of Relative Position; Measures of Relationship; Normal Probability Curve (NPC); Analysis of Variance (ANOVA);
24. Interpretation of Test Scores and Methods of Feedback
Statistical Concepts; Methods to Provide Feedback to Students; Types of Feedback; Appendices; Bibliography; Revision Questions